
Loboytomy (Lobotomy + boy) emerged as a satirical, sarcastic, and dark humor cartoon about the return to society of a former activist named Tomy, who underwent a lobotomy for having divergent ideas from the environment he lived in. We follow his journey of reintegration into society and his dissonant behaviors.

Tomy aims to be a metaphor for contemporary society and how it addresses various issues such as climate change, racism, misogyny, and more.

We intend for Loboytomy to be more than just a drawing, but rather a movement and a symbol of social and environmental awareness. We strive for a fairer, freer society with fewer TOMYS.

We are fully aware of the environmental impact of every step we take and aim to reduce them whenever possible. This includes using environmentally certified products and minimizing and repurposing all the materials we use.


Who is Tomy?


Fui submetido a uma lobotomia como forma de solucionar os meus pensamentos divergentes da sociedade e comportamento inadequado. Agora estou curado e sou mais um caso de sucesso de integração na nossa sociedade.

Aqui apresento o meu dia-a-dia no regresso ao vosso mundo.